23 October 2006

when we told you there's a storm coming

we had warned you that the storm arrived,
here are thus the first photographs.

15 hours, for the moment, that wets especially.

17 hours, that starts with soufler a little.

17h30, a thought for those which return

on the boat for "Belle-ile" or "Sein".
Signed Sepia

the gobie hunter of the Morbihan's gulf

You undoubtedly noticed, on the mudholes,
this white bird, assembled on stilt,
with the black legs and the nails painted in yellow.
The Garzette brush of its small name,
drive out more than it does not fish, all the small too curious fish
who wonder what it is that this yellow trick.

The cousin of the héron, version white and black.

Its yellow legs, are also used to attract the preys.

One maitrise posed carefully at Air Brush.
Signed Sepia

19 October 2006

lots of birth in the morbihan's gulf

last summer, due to creation of specific places
like old boats to make their niddles
and forbidden acces to some islands,
terns birth have clearly increased
So that, there is more and more subjects for birds photos.

terns Caugek immature on her observation spot

you can recognize terns by the way she hunt ((attacks in piqué)
and her tails which resembles has that of the swallow.
Moreover, it sing as a door which squeaks.

The black-headed gull, which one sometimes confuses with the tern,
has the red and black nozzle and a black spot behind the eye in winter
and the black head in summer.
Signé Sépia

14 October 2006

at low tide

Last week, there was a tide of 106

My maitres tried to learn me to fish the clam.

here thus a course in photograph to initiate you with this fishing.

Initially locate two small holes (it is the job of my maitre)

dig quickly

To catch the clam before it is run away.

Ah, that are there, I 've got it

And veiled work. With you to play now

09 October 2006

Solene, august the 15th

last August 15,
for the procession in traditional habit, Solene,
iloise of birth have little difficulty,
time to get dressed + two or three photoshots,
result, she arrives at the end of the procession.
It is not serious, here nevertheless the photos
and for the rest will see that the next year.

Solene, 15 aout 2006,
Made by Sepia

Degemer mad, Welcome, bienvenue